Online Beer Tasting
Fiona Everything beer

Online Beer tasting

What do you need? 2 things

1. FIONA's trial pack can be ordered via for € 15.99. Be on time with to book!

2. Book your unique code, after registration and ordering here, for € 4.95 for Fiona’s platform on VIMEO. The code will be sent with the final details a few days prior to the tasting.

The package is for the tasting on DATUM quintessential about winter beers and beer for Christmas dinner. Extra: a quiz where a nice beer prize can be won! 

Afbeelding 5489

Video / live streaming / beer quiz / beer stories / beer knowledge Six beers / six stories / advice bites to match

Next tasting
Donderdag 10 december

  • Get away from home!
  • Unlimited number of friends or colleagues
  • Every month a new beer tasting with different beers
  • Exclusive tastings also possible!

Online beer tasting to book

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Fiona de Lange: 
Zythologe, internationaal Biersommelier, Certified Cicerone®, Siebel/Doemens Grade A+ Brewing Technology 

Everything beer is a platform for the professional brewer, beer lover, catering company, home brewer. Also companies / groups that want a unique beer experience

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